Major Fishing Section Competition
Sunday 26th January 2025
(Postponement Day .. 27th January 2025)
Inner Manukau Harbour, Rod Fishing Only. 6am – 4pm
(If you choose to leave the harbour, you will be automatically disqualified. Harbour limits only, boundary of Nine Pin to the Signal Station)
Thousands of $$$ of prizes up for grabs for:
Snapper - Kahawai - Gurnard - Trevally - Kingfish
Get your ticket to be in to win!
Major Prize for average weight over all fish species.
Weigh in 4.30pm to 5.30pm. If no fish caught, the prize giving still goes ahead on Sunday 26/01/2025 at 6pm in the downstairs bar at the Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club. You must be present to claim prize, no representatives! Weigh in - 1 Fish per angler per species. If there are two fish of the same weight presented then the first fish of that weight which was weighed in will be declared the winning fish. MPI Fishing Rules Apply & all fish presented to be over 30cm. Â
Tickets available at the downstairs bar, Thursday nights from 6-8pm
See Peter 021831345, Shaun 0272354796, Maree or Michelle
Many thanks to our valued Sponsors:
Smart Marine
Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club
Super Liquor
Franklin Carpet Cleaning
4D Developments
Ticket Prices
$10 per person for Fishing Section Members
$20 per person for WCC Members
$40 per person for Non-Members